I. Personal details
Born: 1976, Satu Mare, Satu Mare county,Romania
Address: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Employment: lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
E-mail: [email protected]
II. Studies
- 1990-1994: high-school, Kölcsey Ferenc Theoretical Highschool, Mathematics-Physics profile (Satu Mare, Romania);
- 1994-1998: B.Sc. in Ecology and environmental protection, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
- 1999-2002: Ph.D., Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Theoretical Biology and Ecology Ph.D.-program (Budapest, Hungary). The Ph.D.-thesis was defended in January 2007 Summa cum laude. The title of the thesis: Spontaneous regeneration of semidry grasslands on old-fields in the Transylvanian Lowland. Scientific supervisor: dr. Sándor Bartha (HAS Institute of Ecology and Botany, Hungary).
III. Scientific career
- 2001-2007: assistant lecturer, Department of Vegetation Sciences (later on Department of Taxonomy and Ecology), Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania);
- 2007- ...: lecturer, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
IV. Research domain: plant ecology, community ecology, vegetation dynamics, conservation, dry grasslands.
V. Scientific activity:
- 2002-2005: coordinator of “Studies on the flora and vegetation of the Transylvanian Lowland” research project financed by the Arany János Foundation (Budapest, Hungary);
- 2006-2007: coordinator of “Vegetation dynamics in steppe-like grasslands of the Transylvanian Lowland” induced by land-use changes research project financed by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Program for Research Abroad;
- 2007-2009: coordinator of “Effects of litter on the germination of dry grassland species”, research project financed by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Program for Research Abroad.
VI. Teaching activity at the Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology:
- Plant systematics course and lab course (B.Sc., compulsory course, 2nd semester)
- Phytosociology and vegetation types of Romania course and lab course (B.Sc., compulsory course, 5th. semester)
- Collection of plant material and preparation lab course (B.Sc., facultative, 3rd semester)
VII. Scientific honours
- 2004: research scholarship of Domus Hungarica Fund, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ecology and Botany;
- 2005: research scholarship of Domus Hungarica Fund, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ecology and Botany;
- 2006: research scholarship of Domus Hungarica Fund, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ecology and Botany;
- 2006: “Zólyomi Bálint” award for prominent results in scientific research, Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences;
- 2007: DAAD research scholarship, Giessen, Germany, Department of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management (IFZ).
VII. Membership (Professional Societies / Editorial Board of Scientific Journals)
- “Apáthy István” Society (Cluj-Napoca, RO)
- Transylvanian Museum Association (Cluj-Napoca, RO)
- “Kosbor” Society for Nature Conservation (Debrecen, HU)
- 2007- …: member of referee board of: Journal of Vegetation Science, Preslia, Environmental Management, Folia Geobotanica, Restoration Ecology, Acta Scientiarium Transylvanica
VIII. Language skills
- Hungarian – mother tongue
- Romanian – fluent
- English – good